The smash by 3 at the padel - Our 4 tips | Spirit Padel Shop
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What is a "par 3" smash? 4 tips for success!

What is a "par 3" smash? 4 tips for success!

THE Smash "by 3 " where the Smash "X3" is an outgoing Smash from the Padel field. But not just any outgoing Smash, the one that comes out on the side of the field. It is called "by 3" because the ball comes out on one of the two sides of the field where the latter measures 3 meters high.

Padel field dimension


The goal of this blow is to bounce the ball on the bottom window to get it out on the side. This finishing smash is to be differentiated from the Bandeja and Vibora Who are two other shots, namely to master on a padel field.

Given like that, the Smash by 3 seems rather simple to achieve, but you will see that one is hiding a real technique behind this blow!


1. Use the lift to spurt the ball during its rebound against the glass

He is very important to use the lift, it is thanks to him that the ball will be able to get out of the field. For those who made tennis, it is the gesture of the service "kické That players use to bounce the ball high enough on the opponent's backhand.

At Padel, it's the same, and thanks to this rotation, the ball will start up after its rebound against the glass.

You can train yourself to do this exercise that will allow you to feel the gesture you need to make in order to ball in the ball.

 educational, exercise for Smash by 3 padel

You can also use the wrist to wrap the ball as much as possible and allow it to increase its rotation so that it may squirt as much as possible against the glass.


2. Take the ball slightly behind you, all by advancing

The by 3 is not a smash like the others. Indeed, for this special blow, it will be necessary to think of these 2 points:

  • Place yourself in front of the ball to take it slightly behind you. This technique will allow you to accentuate the effect you will give to the ball
  • Go in the field To give maximum power in the ball without forcing with the arm. The transfer of the weight of the corp forward is very important to the padel, especially on a smash by 3. It allows to give a power and a length of the ball that you will not have if you do not go ahead When you make your blow.

You will notice that the most complicated is to take a ball out of the field while the movement is executed by backing up. In this case, in order to have maximum success, you will have to stop your remote in order to put as much engagement as possible in the ball at the time of the impact.



3. Having a racket in mind

Eh yes ! It may be a detail! But it will be easier to make a smash by 3 with a diamond racket Or drop of water with a round racket.

But let's be clear, if you can't do it with a round racket, you won't get there with a powerful racket either. Indeed, the type of racket used will in no case influence the player's technique. If you do not have the right gesture, we first advise you to correct this technical defect, thanks to our advice or to lessons with our experts, Before thinking of changing the Padel racket.

If you already have the right technique, it will be thanks to a powerful racket like The air viper, La Vertex 03, The Bela Team or The Delta ProThat you will be able to get out of more bullets. It is with this style of rackets that you will have more facilities to exceed the famous 3 meter bar on your outgoing smash


4. Do not be too greedy

Gluttony ... this is one of the most common defects on padel tracks. We often think we are stronger than what we are, which leads us to type too hard, make unnecessary cushioned, or even aim for the grid too often: being too greedy!

These bad game choices are often found in Smash. We tend, and I first, to want Take too far and too far the ball in Smash too far. This most often brings an easy ball to play for the opponent because the latter did not leave the field.

This is why we advise you to try by 3 only when you are 90% sure to get the ball out of the field.


Joffrey gilant by 3 Padel Spirit Padel Shop  Joffrey Gilant, the "butcher" of spirit padel

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