Discover our 2021 collection of Drop Shot rackets
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À la découverte notre collection 2021 de raquettes Drop Shot

À la découverte notre collection 2021 de raquettes Drop Shot
Alors que la rentrée est arrivée, nous espérons que vous avez pu retrouver vos terrains de Padel pour quelques échanges sympathiques. Malgré une météo variable et des conditions toujours problématique, quel plaisir de se retrouver autour d’une partie de padel. Aujourd’hui nous vous proposons de découvrir la nouvelle marque présente sur notre site internet : Drop Shot. La marque idéal pour faire transpirer à grosse goutte vos adversaires!

Drop Shot est une marque espagnole spécialisée dans les raquettes de padel, mais également les accessories types sacs, vêtements, surgrips...
Cependant, si Drop Shot arrive à tirer son épingle du jeu, c’est d’abord grâce à leurs innovations en termes de technologie. L’entreprise espagnole a investi beaucoup dans la recherche et utilise des matériaux de pointe pour leurs raquettes. La preuve en est grâce à leur principale égérie : Juan Martin Diaz. Joueur argentin qui a été le numéro 1 pendant plus de 13 ans consécutives… Rien que ça !

The ranges : Essential, Ambition, LCP, Be One ont chacune leurs particularités. La première, l’Essential, est destinée à un publique novice en recherche de progression. L'Ambition, quant à elle, est destinée à des joueurs plus expérimentés en recherche de progression. The LCP est une nouvelle gamme créée par Drop Shot qui se destine aux joueurs de de niveau confirmé à la recherche de performance. Enfin la gamme Be one représente le haut du panier avec des raquettes de haute technologie destinées aux joueurs fortement aguerris.


La gamme Essential de DROP SHOT

Commençons avec la gamme Essential qui comme dis, précédemment, se destine à un publique débutant. Celle-ci a été conçue pour un apprentissage rapide. Parfait pour ceux qui n'ont pas un gros budget à mettre dans leur raquette de padel.






Dans la gamme Essential, se trouve la Sakura 3.0

Avec sa forme de water drop (qui tire vers le diamant) et son poids de 370 grammes, La Sakura 3.0 est une raquette performante qui constitue un bon compromis entre force et précision.

La puissance n’est pas mise de coté grâce à sa gomme Eva Soft qui par sa souplesse maximise l’impact. Le tout étant renforcé par une coque en fibre de verre qui maintiens le contrôle. Idéal pour progresser sur tous les aspects.

Le système anti vibration Cork Cushion Grip and Silicone Grip Channel rajoute une pièce de liège dans et sur le manche afin de supprimer un maximum de vibration. Ce système rajoute un bon confort de jeu et optimise le contrôle. Ces technologies sont chères à Drop Shot qui les utilise souvent pour le confort de leurs raquettes. Cette raquette est conseilléeaux débutants cherchant la puissance.





The Kibo 2.0 est également faite pour les joueurs débutants. La différence avec son homologue la Sakura se trouve avant tout au niveau de la gomme.
En effet, La Kibo 2.0 est faite de gomme Eva Full couplé avec l’Eva soft. La technologie Full Eva consiste à supprimer le cadre tubulaire de la raquette. Celle-ci est alors faite exclusivement en gomme Eva.

The Kibo 2.0 est donc une raquette très souple avec un sweetspot agrandi ce qui permet de maximiser le contrôle sans perte de puissance. Les trous sont justement étudiés et réduits afin d’optimisé la puissance de frappe et la résistance.

La raquette de Drop Shot Kibo 2.0 est également équipée du Silicone Grip Channel qui permet de réduire au mieux les vibrations.
Cette raquette est donc idéale si vous ne souhaitez pas investir trop, tout en profitant d’un confort de jeu supplémentaire grâce aux technologies de Drop Shot.







Terminons la gamme Essential with the junior version of the must Drop Shot : the Conqueror 9.0 Junior.
According to the racket of the legendary player Juan Martin Diaz, Conqueror 9.0 Junior remains a racket intended for young Padel players.
Its design strongly recalls the original, but the junior is a little wider promoting better control for beginners.
Its form of water drop The axis on the versatility while its weight of 340 grams makes it very light.


The racket is Equipped with gum Eva Soft, making her more comfortable and soft. The frame is also in gum Eva Full mitigating vibrations.
Conqueror 9.0 Junior is the least expensive in the Essential range and is advisable to players looking for flexibility, d ’ease and of comfort of play.
Beginners also have the right to dream by playing with the junior version racket of one of the best padel players of all time.


Drop Shot's ambition range


The ambition is intended for good -level players who want to have maximum comfort by benefiting from advanced technologies of Drop Shot. This range is focused on versatility and look for the best compromise between control and power. So perfect if you are looking to improve on all fronts with an advanced level.

Drop Shot Cristal 2.0




The Crystal 2.0 is a racket of Drop Shot focused on power. You can try your most powerful bandjas with this 350 gram racket and diamond shape. This weight and this shape gives the crystal 2.0 a high balance, lightness for more striking force.

The grip of the Crystal 2.0 retain vibrations as much as possible with technologies Cork Layer and Silicone grip.

His gum, theEva Soft is flexible and gives more power. Crystal 2.0 is a technical racket, but the use of Carbon 3000 stiffen everything to optimize control and improve resistance.

The holes are reflected in order to best return the ball without loss of power. The faces of the frame its rough to best absorb the impact and promote effects.
Drop Shot offers us here a demanding racket which when it is well used, can kneel any opponent thanks to its power!



Drop Shot Taipan




If on the contrary of the Crystal 2.0 Control interests you more than force, Taipan is a good choice.

Indeed, it is equipped with the gum Eva Pro. Although more flexible than the Eva Tech era, the Eva Pro is quite rigid which promotes control.

The use of Carbon 3000 And its shape of water drop in its control without losing elasticity. Very pleasant to play for those looking to calculate their trajectories as well as possible.

the anti vibration system is present which makes the game comfortable. Very pleasant to players suffering from chronic pain after the matches.
Taipan is a good choice if you are looking for a reliable racket who accompanies you in your progress.


Drop Shot Explorer 4.0



Drop Shot's ambition range hides another surprise with theExplore 4.0.
This is equipped with gum Eva Pro combined with the Carbon 3000 which gives it control and flexibility. This racket is ideal if you are looking for a very good balance between control and power.

The racket of Drop Shot Get out of the game thanks to its design. The explorer is in the form of a diamond which gives it a high balance for more striking power.

The anti vibration system composed of Cork Cushion Grip and Silicone Grip Channel is also present.
This product is recommended for medium and high level players looking for quality and versatility.


The LCP range of Drop Shot

Drop Shot Osaka 1.0




With such a name, you can only travel with this peak racket. L'Osaka 1.0 is synonymous with balance and precision.

Its round shape and technologies make theOsaka 1.0 A versatile racket par excellence intended for a good level.

His gum, Eva Pro is rigid but coupled with Cubicarbon 24K technology, the racket keeps elasticity. Technology Cubicarbon 24K consists of braiding 24,000 carbon monofilaments for a wire. It is a advanced technology that provides quality and solidity to Osaka 1.0.

This is part of LCP, the range of Drop Shot devoted to technology of the same name. This is an exclusive cutting -edge technique for Drop Shot. These are polyester fiber combined with a fiber of polymer with liquid crystals. This technology gives the Osaka 1.0 good elasticity as well as increased resistance.

Osaka 1.0 is equipped with the anti vibration system Cork Crushion Grip and grip channel silicone. This system is improved thanks to Power Beam Heart. It is a heart that best limits vibrations and thus increased game comfort.

The Drop Shot Osaka 1.0 racket is a small model of technology and precision that is very interesting for those who want to go up a gear and become a real pro! 


The Be one range of Drop Shot


Drop shot Conqueror 9.0



And here is probably one of the best rackets that Drop Shot can offer us ... Conqueror 9.0 is a little gem.
It's simple, this racket has all the latest Drop Shot advanced technologies.
But his legend also comes from his wearer ... Juan Martin Diaz
It was after many tests and tests of the player that the 9.0 version of Conqueror came out.

Here are some exploits by Juan Martin Diaz ...

Conqueror 9.0 has many technologies. First done in a gum Eva Tech, the racket of Juan Martin Diaz is rigid. The advantage of this eraser is practiced on power and control. It is important to keep in mind that this racket is intended for an advanced and professional audience. The EVA gum is therefore rigid and practices on power but the comfort of play is still interesting for a racket of this type.

Although this racket is technical, the grip is designed to best limit vibrations. Drop shot place in his Padel snowshoe A small cork room of 2 mm. Vibrations are attenuated for better comfort.

Its frame is made of carbon fiber. Also used in aeronautics, technology Textrem consists in braid 24,000 microfilaments in 1 thread. This technology offers Conqueror 9.0 an increased flexibility and power.

But Conqueror 9.0 can count on its homoloque, the Conqueror 9.0 Soft.


Drop shot Conqueror 9.0 Soft



Softer and flexible than the original racket, here is the Conqueror 9.0 Drop Shot soft.
Her flexibility is not synonymous with inexperience. Indeed, the racket is not put aside at the levels of technologies.

The gum used: theEva Soft, provided greater flexibility to the racket. The Eva Soft brings greater comfort and better absorption of vibrations.

The gum and the design of Conqueror 9.0 Soft are the only techniques which differ from Conqueror 9.0. The use of this rubber by necessarily an impact on the power which is slightly reduced. However, the Smart Hole System And the carbon used for the frame is to amplify power.

This racket is therefore equipped with technology textrem Who in addition to providing increased sustainability, increases the comfort of play. Grip is also equipped with an anti vibration system that increases playing more.

Inspired by the Conqueror 9.0, its soft version by these technologies and its design is more suited to a female audience.


Drop Shot Legend 2.0





Also belonging to the range Be one, the Padel racket of Drop Shot, the Legend 2.0 will seduce you.

The technologies used on this racket are similar to the technologies used on the Conqueror 9.0. However with its form of water drop and his oversized Agendis axis this racket on control.

Composed of gum Eva Pro, the Legend 2.0 allows you to give powerful blows with stability thanks, among other things, to Cork Layers (Anti vibration system at the handle).
The frame is reinforced thanks to carbon 24 k. The latest generation of carbon that grants the RAQUETTE force and control.

The relief on the frame further increases game comfort and effect. The Legend 2.0 shows itself by its technologies and its design to be a tough competitor to Conqueror 9.0.
It is advisable to favor this racket in Conqueror if you want to focus more on control and comfort of play.


Drop Shot X-Celerator



And to close the range Be one in style, here is the X-Celerator of Drop Shot.
Used by the second face of Drop Shot, Lucas Campagnolo (38th WPT), the X-Celerator was personalized by the Brazilian player. It is therefore years of research that leads us to a high -end racket intended for a professional audience.

The framework of the X-Celerator is slightly enlarged increasing the strike zone. Her water drop makes her a versatile racket optimized for control.
His gum, theEva Tech, is one of the most rigid gums on the market. Also present on the Conqueror 9.0, the Eva Tech provided power and control, but gives more rigidity in the racket and the strikes.

To compensate for this concern for rigidity, Drop Shot uses the system here Cork Layer which greatly decreases vibrations at the handle.
Its frame, meanwhile, is in carbon fiber with 24,000 micro-filaments For a single thread. This technique gives greater flexibility and more powerful strike.
Finally, its frame is made up of small relief grooves which offers greater comfort and a more precise strike.


We hope you have become more familiar with Drop Shot and especially with their 2021 collection thanks to this article. Contact us if you want more information on the products present on Padel Shop spirit, it will be a pleasure for the whole team to answer your questions and help you find your ideal racket.

We give you an appointment on the Padel fields with the hope that our advice will push you to victory ... With whom knows, cutting -edge snowshoes at the cutting edge of technology.

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