Development of the female padel: slowly but surely
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Development of the female padel: slowly but surely

Development of the female padel: slowly but surely

While the padel in general is experiencing a real "boom" in most European countries, including France for a few years, what about the female padel?

The female padel in “a few stats”

Before analyzing the pillars of the development of the female padel in France and in the world, here is a small statistical summary of the padel in general:

According to statistics from Padel Magazine, the number of practitioners in France was evaluated in 2019 at 80,000, against around 150,000 in 2021: a figure which has practically doubled in two years and which proves the ancestry of this sport on our territory !

We can therefore imagine that this number has evolved again at the end of the first quarter of this year 2022…

A real gap between men & women



Now, let's analyze the number of players classified, who therefore practice Padel in competition.

Currently, we count in France, 16,543 classified men and 2,690 classified women. Which makes us nearly 20,000 competitors, a figure in big growth also but which especially allows us to see a wide difference between the number of female & male competitors: out of 7 classified players, 6 are men and only 1 is a woman .

Same observation for tournaments: September 1, 2021: 1248 tournaments were identified with 71% of gentlemen tournaments, 21% of ladies' tournaments and 8% mixed tournaments.

A difference probably justified by this development policy around the female padel which is not yet implemented, at least not enough exploited at the moment.

We therefore have statistics which clearly demonstrate the ascent of the padel in France but which force to note the importance of developing the female padel to reach a certain balance.

Alix Collombon, the French Padel star!



We no longer present it to you, Alix Collombon n ° 1 French, n ° 21 on the WPT circuit and also French first in history to register its name in the list of a WPT tournament!

The French in full progression on the circuit continues to impress us by achieving great performances, in particular with this very beautiful quarter final on the Miami of WPT Open on her first tournament of the year: auspicious to attack 2022 !

And even more recently where Alix was invited by the Chamartin de Madrid club to compete in the Spanish team championships where she obtained the silver medal by bowing in the final against the world No. 1!

His results allow him to shine nationally and also international, to attract many sponsors, but above all to live from his passion!

His Spanish adventure takes place wonderfully, installed for two years in Spain, Alix had to work hard and adapt to a new language, a new learning method to get a CAP and to be part of Best circuit players!

 Little by little, Alix is ​​starting to get closer to the status that the best players of the circuit can have like Marta Ortega or Beatriz Gonzalez, who are clearly Padel stars in Spain and which are references of this sport.

No doubts that she will have her say on the circuit in the coming years, and that she partly represents the window of the French female padel: she is an example for many players!

The female padel: a perfect game model for amateurs


It is true that we are often impressed by the big smashes who come out of the court, by the powerful game of stars like Tello, Paquito and many others ... But is it really the game model that we should To be inspired when you are still an amateur? The answer is no!

One thing is certain, being inspired by these players is very complicated and often the rendering is not the same on our tracks ... So why not be inspired by the ladies' game?

A slower, more rapid game, with more structured exchanges and better game intelligence: what is missing in many games where players focus on the outlets of balls and spectacular blows (which do not all go the weather… ).

It is quite simple on a part of the female WPT WPT circuit to dissect the game patterns and the tactics put in place to put the opponents in difficulty, while taking pleasure in looking at the exchanges.

The analysis of female circuit matches is therefore a very good means of progression on the tactical aspect as a technique!

Without forgetting that the padel is also a mixed sport, which can be practiced with friends, as a couple, between work colleagues or even between parents/children! It is one of the most playful practices that can be practiced in leisure as in competitions with more and more tournaments or championships offered such as P25 parents/children, the Padel Business League or mixed tournaments in all Categories!

Padel rackets for players: what to choose?

As said above, the female padel is a minority unlike men, especially on the rackets available. It then becomes complicated to choose from mixed snowshoes or specialized rackets for women. But do not worry, Padel Shop spirit is there for you!

By clicking on the image, you will access our article of the 6 best rackets for women. With the help of François Authier, French number 7, our team brings you its fine analysis here to allow you to choose the racket most suitable at your level and your style of play.

Also click on this link to discover our collection of female rackets at the best prices:

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